Monday, July 27, 2015

Megan's Etsy Shop

With a little extra free time without classes, I've been spending more time working on items for my Etsy shop. I also have made a few gifts... so email me at if you have ideas for any similar gifts. Also, check out everything in the shop at . Lastly, follow my instagram account @rootlesswanderart , where I recently posted an opportunity to win a few items from the shop. 
My sweet niece, Delaney, was born on April 22nd. I haven't gotten to meet her yet, but counting down the days until I'm home in August and get to. I created this to match her room and commemorate her birth date. 

I also missed out on Pat & Hilary's wedding in May, but made this hashtag sign to display at their wedding. (which Hilary appropriately had placed on the bar)

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