Monday, August 25, 2014

Road Trip!

We have set our departure date for Monday, September 8th and planned our stops along the route to Oregon. Here's a little more info about our stops and if you have any suggestions for adjustments to see/experience exciting things along the way, please leave us a comment! 
1. Detroit - We will be staying with Megan's cousin, Paul, at the lovely home he is renovating.
1.5 Starved Rock State Park - We plan on taking in some nature and sights before we get to the long open stretch through Iowa and Nebraska. Here's a link to the park:
2. Le Claire, Iowa - Our second night will be spent at a hotel on the Mississippi river near the Illinois/Iowa border.
3. Kearney, Nebraska ... otherwise known as the "Sandhill Crane Capitol of the World" (too bad we won't be there for Sandhill Crane season)
4. Denver, Colorado - We hope to catch up with some of Tyler's friends in Denver and then plan to stay at longtime friends of Megan's parents, Dan & Sandra. (Also planning on stopping in Boulder on our way out of Denver)
5. Salt Lake City, Utah - We will be staying with one of Tyler's best friends, Taylor.
6. Baker City, Oregon ...because we couldn't pass up a stop on the OFFICIAL Oregon Trail:
Last stop: PORTLAND! We have reserved a room through AirBnB for our first week while we apartment hunt.