Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Beginning of Our Adventure...

Probably everyone who is reading this already knows, Tyler and I are moving to Portland! We are both very excited for this adventure, but know we will be missing all of you back on the East Coast.
We recently spent five days in Portland in the beginning of June exploring and trying to figure out what areas we might want to live in. I met with a professor with my Masters program at Marylhurst University while we were out there as well. (Link to more about my program) We still have a lot to figure out right now, but the tentative departure date is in early September.
One of the things we are most looking forward to is spending time outdoors. It's only a five to ten minute drive outside of the city to get to some amazing parks and amazing views. While Tyler was in an interview on our visit, I escaped to Council Crest Park and got this view of Mt. Hood in the distance (if you're not impressed by the photo, well then you might just have to visit us and see it for yourself in person because the photo just doesn't do it justice):

We hope to stay in touch with our friends and family and give you some updates here on the blog.
Thanks for reading!